Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Snow Day

Well, almost.  It should have been a snow day today.  Woke up to a good four inches of snow, who saw that coming?  Not me.  Got a little western on the drive in this morning, but made it in good shape.  I bet I passed 50 cars on the way in, but nobody was in the fast lane, so I can't complain.  Ended up getting to work only to find the power out.  It was on for a couple hours, then went out again at 9:45, and stayed out for the remainder of the day.  There wasn't a whole lot to do, so we pulled out a lot of stuck people.  Some retard in thought he could make it down a truck ramp and actually make it out.  I think not.  Rick's stroker pulled him out though, I'll post the video of that later for the Ford fans.
 I didn't gain or lose any weight this Monday, so I feel pretty good about that.  I typically struggle the most with staying good on the weekends.  Hopefully this next Monday I'll be down another 5 or 8 lbs. 

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